Scholarship - Whitewater High School
Parent – Teacher – Student Organization (PTSO)
2024/25 Scholarship Application
The Whitewater High School PTSO will award five scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000 to five WHS senior students in support of their pursuit of a post-secondary education. Scholarships must be applied for by the senior student and will be awarded based on a) direct and thorough response to the questions in both parts of the scholarship application, b) grammar, c) stimulation/inspiration, d) readability, and e) ability to follow directions listed below.
To be considered for a scholarship:
Complete the Google form found on the WHS PTSO website CLICK HERE with only the following information: your name, email address, phone number, parent email address, and anticipated post-secondary institution.
Submit your Google form application.
Applicant must be a member of the PTSO in good standing and have paid WHS PTSO dues for all years of attendance at WHS prior to the dues deadline.
-- Students may "catch up" on dues at the current year dues amount. Please email to find out your status and to obtain a link for payment.
Once membership eligibility is determined by the PTSO, you will receive a response email with 3 essay questions. You must answer ALL 3 questions.
Submit your answers and the approved Part I application form via email to no later than 2 pm on March 7, 2025. We encourage you not to procrastinate.
Applicant must attend an accredited post-secondary institution the same calendar year as graduation from WHS and the scholarship check must be cashed by December 31, 2025, otherwise the scholarship is considered forfeited and will be awarded to an alternate candidate.
Please answer ALL three of the essay questions. Your response must be typed in Times New Roman Font 12, with 1.5 spacing, and be no more than 350 words for each question. These questions should be answered as clearly and completely as possible, but applicants are not required to adhere to a strict essay format.
Decision: The essays will be judged and scholarship recipients chosen by an independent panel of judges. No member of WHS staff or PTSO Board member will be involved in the judging.
Scholarship Recipients will be notified at the WHS Award Ceremony at the end of the school year.
Questions? Please contact our 2024/2025 Board at: